Here’s everything you need to know:
Here are all the exhibitors & vendors, readers & bodyworkers, crystal sellers & more:
And here are the hourly workshops, covering a wide range of topics:
Admission: $10/day

This year’s Festival is in Victoria at the DaVinci Centre at 195 Bay Street!
There are some 45 vendors with hourly workshops for the entire two days from 11am to 5pm.
Journey inward to connect to your true self with a weekend
full of mystical and experiential delights.
This 2-day festival brings together psychics, energy healers,
alternative medicine practitioners
and spiritual seekers from all across Vancouver Island.
Over 44 exhibitors will be sharing their knowledge,
wisdom and wares, offering Psychic Readings,
Massage, Reiki, Rocks & Gems, Mediumship and much more.
Included in your admission are workshops happening
throughout the weekend to inspire your spiritual journey.
Heal the past and step into your true potential.
See you there!