Sacred Sound Journey

Next Sunday at the Church of Truth: Sacred Sound Journey !
Join Tanya Devine and Ocian Ward for a Sacred Journey into the depths of the soul.
Tanya and Ocian bring together the Elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire to Create Soundscapes from the Cosmos. From the Drone of the Didjeridu to the Crystal Tones of the Bowls, Tanya and Ocian interweave their sounds to activate listeners into personal healing.
These journeys are deep dives into the physical, mental, emotional & energetic planes of experience.
Vibration is built into the fabric of life. Using audible vibration to heighten and align the body and mind is where we can come together to re-create the ancient medicine in these times of remembering.
Drop in pay at the door ~ Sliding Scale $25-30
Doors open at 6:30
Etransfers to register and hold your spot to