Writing Workshops with Joelene

It’s great to welcome Joelene Heathcote to the Directory! As a writing teacher & counselling therapist, she works to help people find inner truths within. Here’s more:

Helping clients give voice to their complex struggles has been a passion of mine for many years. We grow as individuals by recognizing and exploring the experiences and challenges that are a part of our personal life journey.

In doing so, we learn and develop new perspectives that re-frame our stories, and help renew belief in ourselves and others.

Joelene has a couple of workshops coming up this month: Hearts on Fire: Poetry and Journal Writing Workshop & Expressive Writing for Healing – check them out!
You’ll love working with her!

Confident with Megan!

Megan Edge

I checked in with Megan Edge the other day – she has her Confident Healer workshop beginning in October, and the IEM workshop & certification class (that’s “Intuitive Energy Massage”!) will be offered in November.

Next week she’s on the radio – here’s more:

I have the next Playing on the Edge Radio show coming up next week on Tuesday the 10th at 11pm – On the Edge of Money – I’d love for your readers to listen! Here’s the link!

Acupuncture & grieving hearts

This is shared with love & appreciation to Jenica of Passage Wellness & Acupuncture, whose blog is a well-written collection of thoughts about healing:

Loss comes to us in many different ways. We may experience loss from the death of a loved one, the ending of a partnership, or the loss of a pet. As well, we may grieve an outgrown part of our self, an ability or capacity we once held, a community we left or left us, the paths we didn’t walk, or from an unexpected experience. We may also grieve the suffering of our planet and our other-than-human kin that suffer because of this.

Because grief impacts all levels of our being -physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual, our expressions of grief can be quite broad. Physically we may experience fatigue, tightness in the chest, changes in sleep and appetite, or body pain. Emotionally we may experience anger, depression, relief, or helplessness. Grief can also be expressed as social withdrawal, keeping “busy”, or addictive urges and behaviours. Our dreams may offer us unique landscapes for expressing our grief as well, and we may experience a sense of purposelessness, existential anxiety, or increased contact with unseen realms.

Our grief is a natural response to being torn from what we love and belong to.
All of our expressions of grief are valid.

artwork: molly costello

Currently our modern culture is falling short at reflecting and modelling how to grieve well. We tend to keep it at a distance, covering it up as if we were ashamed or fearful of it. For so many, it has become normalized to live blanketed by numbness as a means to cope with the losses we experience. Denial can serve a purpose, as it helps us to compartmentalize in order to function, and this can be part of our healing. However if left unprocessed, the energy of grief can become stagnant within our bodies. On a personal level, this can limit our capacity to truly feel like we belong to our lives. On a collective level, disassociating from the grief of our planet for example, can disconnect us from the gifts of kinship, which limit us from experiencing the inspiration so needed to act.

It is important that we do open ourselves up to our grief and allow this process to carry us through our growth and into a more rich and full-spectrum encounter with our aliveness. It is through connecting to our experience of grief that we reconnect to that which we love and belong to. In this way, grief is a healing endeavour and a vessel towards a greater sense of connection in our lives.

artwork: molly costello

Learning to grieve well begins with the self and a willingness to welcome the depths of it in. And to do this in spaces with another trusted body (or bodies) as grief is very much relational. It needs the containment of another nervous system to be witnessed, held, and transformed. This containment can be provided by another human, but it can also be found within the presence of our animal kin, our ancestors, or a place within nature we revere as sacred to our hearts. When we share our tenderness in community or with another, this gives us the opportunity to confirm to each other that we are not alone.

The happening of your losses, the turbulence of your past, and any perceived “deficits” in the shaping of who you are, all create your unique story. Our painful stumbling blocks are experiences that provide the pressure and nudging to move into right relationship with your future beingness. For this we must give thanks to our pain and losses along the journey of life -they bring us the gift of healing and opportunities to step more fully into our wholeness.

With you in healing and wholeness,


Integrative healing, with Sally Ross!

It’s great to have Sally Ross join the Directory!

Sally offers Integrative Healing, along with a free initial consultation. She explains:

As a registered Integrative Health Coach, I help individuals who are struggling with health challenges to identify the most effective internal and external resources that they can access to feel better, and to confidently make life changes that foster their wellness. I combine evidence-based coaching methods with knowledge of dietary approaches, supplementation and diverse modalities of healing—supporting clients to feel strong and empowered in their path forward.

Sessions take place via online webinar or at my home office in Victoria, British Columbia.

My clients learn to have a more compassionate relationship with their bodies, to better trust their own instincts, to implement self-care practices into their routines and to track their progress towards wellness with excitement for the future.

The healing process will look different for everyone and depends on many factors. I work with my clients in mutual partnership to simplify the challenges, identify root causes and validate how much capacity they have to accelerate their healing, vitality and growth.

I have a personal lived experience of recovery from chronic pain and illness, anxiety and depression. My journey has taught me so much about what it means to truly heal. I would love to speak with you about what you are going through and what your needs might be.

Contact me today for your free consultation!

Luna & acupuncture – good place to start!

When you think about healing & you think about acupuncture, perhaps you think about what Luna offers at Medicine Nest.

But did you realize there might be more available to you, for paying for it? Luna explains:

Did you know that acupuncture is covered by most extended benefit plans? It is common for plans to cover up to 500$ worth of sessions!

Treatments can also have coverage through ICBC injury claims!

As a Registered Acupuncturist, all of my treatments are eligible for medical coverage.

Check with your unique plan and get the most out of your health benefits!

Experience Dien Chan with Ali!

When you look through the Spirit of Victoria Directory & see all the different things people offer & the different healing modalities, you sometimes see something that’s a little… different.

When I saw Ali Kay’s profile, I wanted to find out more about facial reflexology, so I got a session…wow!

Her modality is called Dien Chan. Vietnamese tradition, tailored by AIRFI (International Academy of Italian Facial Reflexology) to treat zones on the body, incorporating reflex points that relieve pain or discomfort in the muscular/skeletal system to internal organs. Between the relaxing session, the energy the treatment left me with, and Ali’s smooth & professional way of doing things – it was great!

She offers other treatments as well, especially related to skincare – drop her a note today!

Need a place for your practice? Your workshop? Your presentation?

Have you been looking for a space for your practice?

This might be a great place to start!

Arne has rooms at Horizon Group, over on Cook Street. Clean, comfortable, easy to find, and surrounded by other practitioners with a warm & welcoming energy, waiting for you to add your energy to it!

There is also a classroom & a board room.

Check it out!

Other meeting spaces for you to check out – you can rent the space at the Medicine Nest, downtown, Here’s the details.

Andrew at Bubby Rose’s in Cook Street Village tells me he’s open to have meetings in the evenings there – they close at 6, so it’s available! Drop by & see him (and tell him you read it here, ’cause he’ll wonder.)

Check out the space at Hidden Gem & at Westcoast Creative Spirits & 7 Rays.

Telemedicine is here!

It was great to hear from Dr. Ariel & hear about her new offering:

Hi Ian!
I have a new hopefully more helpful service for people. Telemedicine – where people can get in touch with my by phone or video conferencing. Here is the little image I made for it, to explain it. Please feel free to add it to the newsletter or distribute it to anyone you feel it could help.

Much love,

A notice & a warning….

This is a tough one, but an important message – I have heard from five different practitioners on SOV who have heard from this caller – and it’s a problem, my friends.

Here is a note from Dinah, which echoes what the others have said:

I received a call from a man on my cell phone about a month ago claiming he was a spiritual Guru from Tibet and that he received my number in meditation. He sounds friendly, compelling and sincere. I spoke with him on the phone for longer than I’d like to admit as he seemed interesting and nice. He’s not.

He is specifically seeking women in Reiki/Tantric fields and taking personal information from the internet to contact them. I’ve spoken to other people in Victoria who’ve also received this call, many of the calls leading to sexual references and a forum on the internet of horrible stories about women who went far enough to meet up with him at his “retreat” in Sedona, Arizona or Florida.

He is a sexual predator. Do NOT engage with him. I have since reported it to VicPD – if you feel comfortable reporting it, I encourage you to do so. Perhaps if we all reported these calls, they’d take it more seriously.

If you feel icky or shame for having engaged with him, I see you. If you need support, talk to a trusted loved one or counsellor. Remember, it’s not your shame to hold. You have done nothing wrong.

Please share widely with anyone you know, particularly people in this field. Let’s keep each other safe 💛

Explore….On Spirits’ Wings, with Catherine!

I am so excited to add my old friend Catherine Sihoe to the SOV Directory!

Her practice – called On Spirits’ Wings – uses her ability to contact & communicate with spirits on the other side, which she shares with the people she reads for.

I like what Nicole says:

(The reading) confirmed my own sense about what was going on and I feel completely at peace with her passing now, even as I’m still sad about her no longer being here on earth.

Thank you so much for sharing your gift to sense across the veil and translate it for us!
Much love to you.
Nicole Moen

And Kellee added:

After reading it I knew Catherine was definitely genuine. That is very hard to come by. I really appreciated what she did for me that day. I have never forgotten. Also Catherine is a lovely lady who loves to help others all she can.
Thank you, Catherine!
Love Kellee

Give Catherine a call today!

What’s going on, ’round town…

Let’s take a look around town at what’s going on:

• When you need acupuncture, Jean Paul and the good folks at Stillpoint Community Acupunctureare standing by – check them out!

• Have you looked at the specials & coupons page this week? There are deals on reiki, learning about thetahealing, a past life regression package, a bioenergetic session with AEON Health, medium readings, more reiki, EFT sessions, and even more reiki! There’s even deals for coffee (with certified organic ganoderma lucidum – Red Reishi mushroom).
Check it out!

• You’ve been a to a lot of workshops – you’re probably ready for a “playshop!” Rina’s Third Eye Chakra Playshop is tonight (Tuesday) at West Coast Creative Spirits!

Jeni Cousins (left) writes a column for the San Francisco Yoga magazine (“Just Ask Jeni-Ji”), and this week’s question is “What’s the best way to deal with unconscious people?”Here is her reply.
 Caely-Ann is back from her travels & booking people & sessions for next week!
• This Friday night, there’s Kirtan at Hemma:
Join us for a special kirtan at the height of the light on Summer Solstice! With Kelly, Tia, and Damian, and guests Ty Chandler and Christopher Simons!
Friday, June 21st at 7:30-9:00pm
Kirtan is a form of Bhakti (devotional) Yoga where community gathers to share in call-and-response chanting, therein discovering that which unites us to each other. Most of the chants are in the ancient but timeless Sanskrit language. These sounds vibrate within the physical and subtle body, quieting the mind and purifying the heart. No experience is necessary, and song sheets are provided.
Investment: $5-$20 Sliding Scale

Join Carolyn with Access Consciousness!

You’ve wondered about Access Consciousness…and so have I!
New to the SOV Directory is Carolyn Sinclair, who offers sessions as well as classes – here’s more about what attracted her to this:
When I was introduced to Access Consciousness I felt like I was coming ‘home.’
I have studied and/or certified in a number of other energy healing modalities and used them for over ten years – Access Bars and Access Consciousness tools and processes are, for me, way happier, quicker, more potent and more yummy!! I’d love to share them with YOU. 
Would like like to change something in your life? Like your life? (or money, relationships, job, health, body, family, etc.) 
Are you stuck somewhere? What if now were the time to change that? 
You are invited to explore and expand and experience possibilities for every area of your life with the tools of Access Consciousness!  
There are many facets to Access Consciousness, from de-fragging your mind with Access Bars to assisting your body to heal with Body Processes and there is always the delicious Access Energetic Facelift!  

Passage Wellness & Acupuncture, with Jenica

The Spirit of Victoria Directory is excited to welcome Passage Wellness & Acupuncture – Jenica’s offerings include:

• Acupuncture
• Kruger Omni Healing
• Trauma recovery
• Allergy clearing
• Embodiment and Wellness consultations

She has an integrative approach. She says:

Bringing my background of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, my skill set as a Kruger Omni Healing Practitioner, as well as my passion for how the political, social, and cultural intersect our bodies and impact our well-being, together we facilitate unique, and effective healing.

It’s fun to read Jenica’s reviews – here’s one:

Compassionate Empath
Jenica is a gifted healer with a high degree of expertise in the field of Kruger Omni Healing. My personal experience has made me a strong advocate for KOH and a true supporter of Jenica’s work that has made such a difference in my life. (((Deep gratitude)))

Here’s her profile – check her out!

At the Museum…the Maya!

And now for something completely different – the exhibit at the Royal British Columbia Natural History Museum, spotlighting the Maya. I got a chance not just to see it, but saw it with a friend who wanted to spend most of the day at the museum with the exhibit. The level of detail…amazing.

It’s there until December 31st, and I’m looking forward to hearing what intuitive friends pick up from the artifacts & stories from hundreds of years ago, of a people whose civilization had some 19 million people but nearly disappeared within the tenth century.

The museum’s website has more:

Join us for the world premiere of Maya: The Great Jaguar Rises—an extraordinary exhibition highlighting Maya civilization past and present.

On the heels of last year’s record-breaking Egypt: The Time of Pharaohs, this major new feature spotlights the mystery, legacy and resilience of another of the world’s great civilizations: the Maya of Central America.

Discover a powerful culture that rose in the tropical rainforest

s of Guatemala thousands of years ago, and learn how science and belief shaped the Maya identity from ancient times to present day.

The exhibition boasts the world’s largest and most impressive display of Maya objects from Guatemala, and features more than 300 precious jade, ceramic, gold, stone and textile artifacts reflecting classic and contemporary Maya culture.

This exhibition coincides with UNESCO’s Year of Indigenous Languages and highlights the 30 Maya languages that are still spoken today by almost half the population of Guatemala.

Harmonic Resonance Bodywork starts here!

I’ve known Ian Faulkner for a while, and have had several uplifting sessions with him – I love what he does! I asked him to describe in a few words what he offers:
Harmonic Resonance Bodywork, based on Trager, is “movement medicine,” a heart centred, pain-free healing therapy which is very effective for restoring mobility after injury, boosting immunity, and helping with stress through relaxation and meditation. 
It is a blend of the gentle rocking movement therapy of Dr. Milton Trager MD, Massage, Sufi and Buddhist healing methods, as well as Matrix Energetics. It’s a wholistic bodywork, invented in Victoria in 2010. You are fully clothed in flexible clothing such as yoga clothes or soft pants and top. 
Optionally it can be combined with organic coconut oil massage.
One of the reviews on Ian’s profile gives you an idea:
“Thank you, Ian, for introducing me to your Harmonic Resonance Bodywork. It really helped lessen the tension I had in my back and neck. Your suggestions for optimum health were very helpful, too. I feel you are someone who has a lot of first-hand experience and knowledge to share, plus you are a gifted healer and Trager practitioner.”
Frances Litman
You can find more about Ian’s work (and more reviews!) on his website.

What’s the deal? Share & heal

Q: I heard you speaking with someone at the Expo earlier this month, and you said, ‘The only thing that matters is that we share & heal.’
What do you mean by that? Seems to me there are plenty of things that matter – hunger, confusion, literacy, animals being hurt & abused, homelessness, lack of jobs & money. – J.R.
A: First, thanks for asking. Pretty sure that we can lighten the difficulties in the things you mention by looking for ways to share. It might be things & it might be money & it might be our time & it might be companionship, but I’m pretty sure that sharing what we have with people who need it leads to a chance to heal.
Sometimes healing a little, sometimes healing a lot, but always sharing helps lighten someone else’s burden.

Meet Cassandra Clegg!

When you work with Cassandra Clegg, you get a chance to dig deeper to address what ails you – and feel better! Smart, articulate, she offers her sessions with empathy & warmth – you’ll love working with her!

Her own experiences have shaped her skill & fired up her enthusiasm:

I am passionate about self-growth, as well as helping others bring awareness to their body, mind, environment and spirit.

Integration of consciousness-based health has greatly changed my life in so many ways.
After one session, my back pain I had for about 8 years was gone. I had spent years, and thousands of dollars on other therapies to which none succeeded.

I also went from having lots of energy, to chronic fatigue, and barely being able to function through the day. I needed to sleep a minimum of 11-12 hours, with naps in between, often bedridden.

I went from being sick for 5 years straight on a monthly basis with no answers, and then suddenly a bigger health issue arose.

BodyTalk was the only thing that helped me through that time emotionally and physically. Since beginning my journey, I no longer get sick, with the exception of once a year. I do believe western medicine does have a time and place, all health modalities can work together. I suggest regular testing, especially young women.

All my other health issues are now resolved.

Not only that, it helped shift my perspective on life a great deal. I couldn’t believe the coping mechanisms, modifications, fears and belief systems I had around myself and life.

After seeing the impact it had for me, I knew I had to become a practitioner.

Despite struggling still in some of my health, I know that I have greatly dealt with the symptoms – and know that they could be much worse, and thankful for the tools I have to work with myself as well and my family.

I want to spread that awareness to everyone, you can empower your life and health!

And…Cassandra writes well! You can get a feeling for the clarity she brings to her practice in her blog – check it out!

Meet Deena!

You’ve been looking forward to getting a mediumship reading – look no further!

Deena just joined the Spirit of Victoria Directory this month & I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy meeting her. She says:

I’ve been intuitive all my life (most of us are!) and have been aware of it, and just started offering readings in the past couple of decades. It’s fun to report that I’ve done this all over the world – between here (Canada) & Ireland, Tasmania, the States, Saudi Arabia, Africa & through social media!

I’m looking forward to working with you! I love helping you connect with your loved ones on the other side!