Take a Reiki vacation on beautiful Salt Spring Island and deepen your Reiki practice July 6-8, 2018 with Canadian Reiki Association Registered Teacher, Kelly Kiss.

Kelly Kiss
Salt Spring Island is magical and highly spiritual! The perfect place to do your Reiki Master Training. Give yourself the gift of time away from life’s responsibilites to focus on your own self healing and inner reflection. This Reiki Master class is from the Holy Fire system of Reiki as taught by one of my teachers, William Rand and the International Center for Reiki Training.
The Holy Fire energy is highly transformative and very powerful. Even though you will learn how to initiate others into Reiki during this Reiki Master class, the main focus is on self healing. In the process of learning the healing techniques and placements, and taking part in the guided meditations, you will receive many healing experiences. In this three day Reiki Master class, you will be ignited to the Holy Fire energy and receive the ability to empower others into Reiki through what are now called placements, as well as to facilitate Holy Love Experiences. This class is also the most up-to-date Holy Fire energy (as currently taught through the International Center for Reiki Training), the upgraded version of Holy Fire II Reiki. (Read more)
This course includes both Advanced Reiki Training and Reiki Master Training. Following this three day class you will be able to initiate students into Reiki I, II, ART and full Reiki Master levels. The class is taught as the Usui/Holy II Fire style of Reiki that is a combination of the Usui system and a special Holy Fire style.
All of the Usui teachings and Japanese techniques in Holy Fire Reiki classes are the same. It is the energy that has been empowered with the Holy Fire, and meditations called “Holy Love Experiences” have been added to the Reiki classes, as well as “ignitions” in place of master attunements.
Please see our website for more information on what you will learn in this powerful class and to register: http://www.becominglight.ca/artreiki-master-level.html
Kelly Kiss has over 15 years experience in holistic healing. She is a Certified ThetaHealing® Teacher & Practitioner, Registered Reiki Master Teacher with the Canadian Reiki Association, Professional Member of the Reiki Membership Association, Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Advanced Soul Realignment™ Practitioner.