New to the SOV Directory is Carolyn Sinclair, who offers sessions as well as classes – here’s more about what attracted her to this:
When I was introduced to Access Consciousness I felt like I was coming ‘home.’
I have studied and/or certified in a number of other energy healing modalities and used them for over ten years – Access Bars and Access Consciousness tools and processes are, for me, way happier, quicker, more potent and more yummy!! I’d love to share them with YOU.
Would like like to change something in your life? Like your life? (or money, relationships, job, health, body, family, etc.)
Are you stuck somewhere? What if now were the time to change that?
You are invited to explore and expand and experience possibilities for every area of your life with the tools of Access Consciousness!
There are many facets to Access Consciousness, from de-fragging your mind with Access Bars to assisting your body to heal with Body Processes and there is always the delicious Access Energetic Facelift!