Good to hear that Pamela Richardson is offering her writing class again! The sessions begin April 28th & 29th (you can join either the Sunday or Monday group…and it goes for six weeks.)
Here’s the write-up:
In this six-week group, we engage in mindfulness and compassion practices that calm the mind, open the senses and connect with the heart. These are paired with writing practices that help us to engage creatively with our lived experiences and call our poetic natures into being.
Through this process, we experience our innate wakefulness while becoming familiar with the creative force that shapes our perceptions and expresses our truth.
Over time, we increase self-knowledge, hone our ability to be choice-makers, and nurture our capacity to share from our hearts. Each session includes time for meditation, writing, sharing and discussion.
This group is suitable for those with no prior experience with meditation or writing as well as seasoned practitioners.
More here, as well as signup info: https://pamelarichardson.ca/groups/