What’s the deal? Share & heal

When you work with Cassandra Clegg, you get a chance to dig deeper to address what ails you – and feel better! Smart, articulate, she offers her sessions with empathy & warmth – you’ll love working with her!
Her own experiences have shaped her skill & fired up her enthusiasm:
I am passionate about self-growth, as well as helping others bring awareness to their body, mind, environment and spirit.
Integration of consciousness-based health has greatly changed my life in so many ways.
After one session, my back pain I had for about 8 years was gone. I had spent years, and thousands of dollars on other therapies to which none succeeded.
I also went from having lots of energy, to chronic fatigue, and barely being able to function through the day. I needed to sleep a minimum of 11-12 hours, with naps in between, often bedridden.
I went from being sick for 5 years straight on a monthly basis with no answers, and then suddenly a bigger health issue arose.
BodyTalk was the only thing that helped me through that time emotionally and physically. Since beginning my journey, I no longer get sick, with the exception of once a year. I do believe western medicine does have a time and place, all health modalities can work together. I suggest regular testing, especially young women.
All my other health issues are now resolved.
Not only that, it helped shift my perspective on life a great deal. I couldn’t believe the coping mechanisms, modifications, fears and belief systems I had around myself and life.
After seeing the impact it had for me, I knew I had to become a practitioner.
Despite struggling still in some of my health, I know that I have greatly dealt with the symptoms – and know that they could be much worse, and thankful for the tools I have to work with myself as well and my family.
I want to spread that awareness to everyone, you can empower your life and health!
And…Cassandra writes well! You can get a feeling for the clarity she brings to her practice in her blog – check it out!
You’ve been looking forward to getting a mediumship reading – look no further!
Deena just joined the Spirit of Victoria Directory this month & I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy meeting her. She says:
I’ve been intuitive all my life (most of us are!) and have been aware of it, and just started offering readings in the past couple of decades. It’s fun to report that I’ve done this all over the world – between here (Canada) & Ireland, Tasmania, the States, Saudi Arabia, Africa & through social media!