Tantric Date Night!

It’s the dream we carry
that something wondrous will happen
that it must happen –
time will open
hearts will open
doors will open
mountains will open
spring will gush forth from the ground
that the dream itself will open
that one morning we’ll quietly drift
into a harbour we didn’t know was there
by Olav Hauge
![]() Do you Believe in Angels,
Spirit Guides, Soul Travel,
Soul Mates, Remote Viewing?
Paul Elder didn’t! At least not until he had three Near-Death Experiences. Then, a psychic doorway opened and his life has never been the same.
In this amazing true story, Elder reveals how he passed repeatedly through that psychic doorway, returning with a series of stunning revelations as to our true nature and purpose in the universe.
Just heard that the concert planned for May 23rd with Deva Premal & Miten, with Manrose has added extra tickets because of the demand – get yours now! Here’s where you snag ’em:
I love reading the review that Valerie received on her profile for Relaxation of the Soul (and on her services!) the other day:
I had a amazing session with Valerie last night and look forward to more. She helped relieve issues that have been haunting me for years and gave me a new found insight on myself.
Theta healing is a amazing experience if u have underlying issues in your life you just don’t know how to deal with. Amazing what one session can accomplish! I highly recommend getting in touch with Valerie and booking a session! u wont regret it. 😉
~ Chadalee Taylor Howie
Coming up with Dr. Ariel Jones on April 29th – the Woman’s Spring Cleanse !
From Ariel:
Join a group of empowered women ready to feel their best and reconnect to their divine feminine energy. We will dive deep into physical detox using fresh organic juices, skin brushing and gentle yet powerful journaling.
Our program begins by meeting together to pick up juice, connect and ignite our journey with an opening ceremony. The next 4 days follow a light regime of daily detox from the comfort of your own home with online support from the rest of the group.
We will meet again to ask and answer questions, share about our experience and close the circle. Detox complete!
Loved hearing Bruce & Mary-Jane’s book gets great reviews…from New Zealand!
Knowledge of Oneness touches on so many different subjects – UFO’s, Chakras, Crystals, Ascension, Finding our gifts and much, much more. Well worth reading.
Rainbow News Magazine New Zealand
I love what Zoe is offering this spring:
Spring has sprung! Time for new beginnings! How about trying something new? I’m always advocating self-care so I am putting my money where my mouth is …. I’m happy to offer a special trial price for Crystal Healing Therapy Sessions for April bookings of just $30!
Crystals have been used for healing for thousands of years. They have the ability to hold and emit vibrations, which affect our energy fields that surround and permeate our physical bodies so are a wonderful healing tools for the Mind, Body and Soul.
I am a Certified Crystal Healing Therapist. My sessions consist of a thorough consultation, the placement of the required crystals on or around your body at sites of pain or dis-ease, on acupuncture points or meridians, on the Chakras and a relaxing guided healing meditation. Crystal Healing Therapy results include deep relaxation, pain reduction, stress release and energy balancing.
As with all my treatments as a Reiki Master / Teacher Reiki healing is also included in the session.
Contact me to book your appointment – your crystals are waiting to heal you!
How is your growth mindset coming along?
Fans of SOV know that we here at the editorial offices are huge fans of Derek Sivers, and the clear way he both puts things, and makes us think.
See if this little essay of his strikes a chord – I know it does for me.
Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset, with Derek Sivers
One of the most important concepts I’ve learned is the difference between the “fixed” mindset and the “growth” mindset.
People in a fixed mindset believe everyone is great or is flawed – that this is a fixed status, because it’s just who you are.
People in a growth mindset believe anyone can be great or can be flawed – that this is an ever-changing status, because it’s entirely due to your actions.
This sounds simple, but it’s surprisingly deep. The fixed mindset is the most common and the most harmful, so it’s worth understanding and considering how it’s affecting you.
For example:
In a fixed mindset, you believe “She’s a natural born singer” or “I’m just no good at dancing.”
In a growth mindset, you believe “Anyone can be good at anything. Skill comes only from practice.”
The fixed mindset believes trouble is devastating. If you believe, “You’re either naturally great or will never be great,” then when you have any trouble, your mind thinks, “See? You’ll never be great. Give up now.”
The growth mindset believes trouble is just important feedback in the learning process.
Can you see how this subtle difference in mindset can change everything?
More examples:
In a fixed mindset, you want to hide your flaws so you’re not judged or labeled a failure.
In a growth mindset, your flaws are just a TO-DO list of things to improve.
In a fixed mindset, you stick with what you know to keep up your confidence.
In a growth mindset, you keep up your confidence by always pushing into the unfamiliar, to make sure you’re always learning.
In a fixed mindset, you look inside yourself to find your true passion and purpose, as if this is a hidden inherent thing.
In a growth mindset, you commit to mastering valuable skills regardless of mood, knowing passion and purpose come from doing great work, which comes from expertise and experience.
In a fixed mindset, failures define you.
In a growth mindset, failures are temporary setbacks.
In a fixed mindset, you believe if you’re romantically compatible with someone, you should share all of each other’s views, and everything should just come naturally.
In a growth mindset, you believe a lasting relationship comes from effort and working through inevitable differences.
In a fixed mindset, it’s all about the outcome. If you fail, you think all effort was wasted.
In a growth mindset, it’s all about the process, so the outcome hardly matters.
“As you progress with your sadhana you may find it necessary to change your occupation.
“Or you may find that it is only necessary to change the way in which you perform your current occupation in order to bring it into line with your new understanding of how it all is. The more conscious that a being becomes, the more he can use any occupation as a vehicle for spreading light.
“The next true being of Buddha-nature that you meet may appear as a bus driver, a doctor, a weaver, an insurance salesman, a musician, a chef, a teacher, or any of the thousands of roles that are required in a complex society—the many parts of Christ’s body. You will know him because the simple dance that may transpire between you—such as handing him change as you board the bus—will strengthen in you the faith in the divinity of man.
“It’s as simple as that.”
– Ram Dass, “Be Here Now”
It probably feels like she offers it all – sound healing, reiki, animal reiki, deep energy massage, personal card readings & transitional coaching…because she does!
Veronica Adams brings amazing energy & spirit to her sessions, and when you work with her, you’ll see why people call her a “soul tuner.”
I like the way she describes what she offers:
I’m have been a dedicated Deep Energy Worker since 1997 and have been involved in this line of practice on Vancouver Island since 2017.
I love empowering people to understand their bodies and discover the gentle power of the healing arts. As a Deep Energy Practitioner, I enjoy being able to bridge the gap between western medicine and the “alternatives,” while providing a safe and nurturing atmosphere in which to help promote healing or aid in ones life Journey.
Becoming a holistic healer really settled deep into my soul many years ago, assuring me that aiding people to heal in different parts of their life journey, is truly one of my main purposes in this life.
Open up your heart and allow me to bring the gift of pure positive energy into your life.