November, 2018

Biomagnetism, affirmed


It was neat to see the cool testimonial Kathryn Lowther got from a client after a distance session for biomagnetism:

When my husband talked about Biomagnetism for our son, I was not sure about what it was or how it could work. After all, Kathryn is on the west coast, and we are in Raleigh, NC, on the east coast, and the sessions were done remotely!

But once I understood the process and let Kathryn do her healing, the results were nothing short of exceptional. Our son, who has had inflamed cysts on his neck for most of his life, now does not have any traces of swelling in his neck, all is back to normal, after only 4 sessions with Kathryn. Prior to Biomagnetism, we had tried his pediatrician, naturopaths and chiropractors to no avail. We can’t thank Kathryn enough. Now both my husband and I are treating our respective health conditions.

– Donna S.

Meet Amy Martyn!

Amy Martyn

It was great to discover that Amy is offering her services in Langford. I was lucky enough to have an energy healing session with her, and it was palpable, the difference that I felt the rest of the day, with both a decrease in pain and increase in energy to do things.

I hope people find out about what she offers & give her a try – you’ll be glad you did! Blessings & light to you, Amy! (from the reviews on Amy’s Facebook page)

From Amy:

My ultimate goal is to help others find pure inner happiness and evolve their soul.  Through the remarkable power of love, anxiety can be released, pain and suffering can be diminished and joy can exude from your being.

I thoroughly enjoy working with others who have an open & allowing mindset, as this is when the magic begins! Through communication, powerful techniques, and energy treatments we can discover your root cause of pain, disease & desires and work together to set intention for a blissful outcome.

Each person is meant to live a life filled with peace & joy and through working with your inner self you can find the courage to live the life you want, filled with unconditional love for living.  Your body is so intelligent and has the incredible power to heal itself.

I look forward to getting to know you and assisting in your next evolving stepping stone.

Book: “Belonging” with Toko-pa

It’s been out for over a year…and it’s great. Belonging won the prestigious 2017 Gold Nautilus Award for its contribution to the field of Personal Growth. It’s not only been selling well, it’s been changing lives. Here’s the link (get yours today!), and here’s a little about the author:

About Toko-pa:

Toko-pa was born on a farmhouse in Devon, England by a midwife to poet-parents. Because they liked the music saying it made, they named her after the Maori deity, Toko-pa, who is the “Parent of the Mist” according to the Maori creation myth.


She came to Canada at the age of four, where her grandparents settled after the war in Poland, and was raised in a Sufi community in Montreal.

Along with yoga, meditation, Sufi dancing and singing, dreaming was an every day part of her culture.  From a very young age, Toko-pa was encouraged  to share and explore her vivid dreams.

In her early twenties Toko-pa toured with a band, eventually recording her first original album. It wasn’t until her mid-twenties that she returned to the mystical teachings of Sufism and the study of dreams. She became deeply interested in Analytical Psychology and did a 3 year internship at the Jung Foundation of Ontario, while pursuing her studies in spirituality, mythology and shamanism.

In early 2001, she was awarded a scholarship to study with psychophysiologist and lucid dreaming expert, Dr. Stephen LaBerge, in Hawa’ii. She spent the following year writing a documentary series, Awake and Dreaming, which was picked up for development by Vision TV.

Blending the mystical tradition of Sufism in which she was raised with a Jungian approach to dreamwork, Toko-pa founded the Dream School in 2001 from which hundreds of students have since graduated. Toko-pa has been interviewed by CNN News and BBC Radio and has a community of over 100,000 online readers. Her writing has been published worldwide, and she is currently releasing her first book Belonging, which explores the themes of exile, and the search for belonging.

Sometimes called a Midwife of the Psyche, Toko-pa’s work focuses on restoring the feminine, reconciling paradox, and facilitating grief and ritual practice. You can find Toko-pa on her website at

Helen’s work – on sale for Black Friday weekend!

Helen’s amazing artwork is amazing in pictures & even more amazing in person!

Here’s her note from Facebook – check in with her today!

BLACK FRIDAY/CYBER MONDAY EVENT!! Choose your favorite pillow cover and use the code: BlackFriday30 to receive 30% off from Nov 23-26. Clink the link in the bio to start shopping. If you have questions, msg me.

Intuitive Energy Massage, with Pamela Schmitt

From Pam’s website:

Hi, it’s so great that you found me in the internet cosmos!

In my youth, I did sports such as gymnastics, swimming, and cross-country running. After a brief hiatus from sports in university, I rediscovered my athletic side. I’m grateful to live in a city with wonderful outdoor spaces to explore and plenty of athletic opportunities.

Are you an athlete, looking to get into sports, or leading an active lifestyle? Then let’s connect!

I look forward to meeting you and to see how I can add value to you and help you live your best healthy, balanced life.

More info:


More from Megan Edge:
Our very own Pamela Schmitt, IEM Master Healer, Mind, Body, Soul Healer, entrepreneur, Half Marathon runner, international competitive dancer and Engineer! Want to know more and meet her? Click below and be sure to share~ xo Megan Edge


What’s new with the Spirit of Victoria Directory!

We enter our fourth year this week! Thank you for coming along for the ride!

Since our last email a while back, a few things have changed on the site. If you can take a moment to look at the site you’ll see these three things, to start:

• On the front page of, it’s new – so look for it: In the main menu you’ll see “Special Offers & Coupons.” Pretty clear what you’ll find there – I’m pretty sure you’ll like it!

• Next to it – on the main menu – is where we’re moving the events listings. I previously have them on a separate site & in the month of experiments I did with this, I found way more people take a peek at this than any other one part of the site.

If you’d like to go directly there, go to – let me know what you think! Watch this area grow!

• Finally, we re-purposed & re-designed the responsive design of the site to work better on mobile devices, your phone, and things besides desktop computers. Check it out & use it on your phone & see if you agree.


Do you have a listing on the Spirit of Victoria?

Now’s the time!

Log into your dashboard & add your events & special offers! While you’re at it, add reviews to your profile as well – you’ve had success, so this is a good way to share it!

Been a while since you logged in & can’t find your password or login info?

Call Brother Ian at 778-265-3014 or email at & I’ll get you set up!