IT’S TIME for our GRAND RE-OPENING! Mark it down on your calendars. We’re going to be offering discounted treatments, a week of FREE classes, sacred gatherings, events, LIVE music + more!
We’re so excited to finally be sharing our intentions for our community! We aim to become Victoria’s home of Holistic Healing & Sacred Gathering. A space of ceremony, intentional events & drop-in classes!
At the core, we’re a boutique wellness + yoga studio offering you movement medicine, plant medicine, energy medicine, and SOUL medicine all for the cultivation of our divine medicine community!
What makes us different? We’re a space built on integrity, spirit + trust, with a ceremonial and holistic understanding of life. We want you to feel at home here. A sanctuary for your healing. A space to simply be held & nurtured when life throws you challenge. In all of our yoga classes, you’ll be 1 of 7, max! Meaning you’ll get the semi-private instruction you deserve to cultivate the greatest benefit for your mind, body & soul.
For beginner to advanced students, we’re here to help you ease into, cultivate, and excel in yoga, meditation, spirituality, and well-being. Our practitioners and our teachers are living, breathing, walking examples of their services, offering you authentic, real-life, connection and wisdom in all that they do.

We’re setting ourselves up to have 6+ practitioners, upwards of 20 classes per week, weekly sacred gatherings, weekend events + more! We won’t say we’re there yet but we’re certainly on our way and want YOU to be apart of it!
Join us for the last week of September to meet our practitioners, experience our classes, and take part in some pretty incredible weekend events! Registration will be mandatory for all classes and events via our booking site.
Thank you, from the depths of our hearts for supporting our process, our unfolding, our being. We LOVE you!
With love,
Karli + the rest of the Medicine Nest team!