Teresa Cameron
One of my favourite people in the world is Teresa Cameron, who is both a reader & teacher who opens to Pure Source as a beginning to the healing she offers. (You can find out more about her, here). She wrote this, which I think you might find of use, on your path:
All this searching, searching, searching and all of the answers are within each individual.
People on the spiritual (life) journey are searching for understanding, solutions, and the way….but it indeed is the act of STOPPING all of it, including the thoughts around Pure Consciousness because even our views of what it should be stop us from understanding what it indeed is.
The space of Pure Consciousness is absolutely fantastic because it is so apparent that all of the answers are within ourselves and everything is accessible from there. We just have to get out of our own way to be able to hear and understand it! We have to quit fighting what IS for what we want or expect life to be.
The community people are searching for is already here….the entire human race (and so much more) is that community….we are all connected and doing exactly what needs doing…and have been since the beginning of creation…we are progressing and growing even when it appears we are stuck or going backward or suffering the greatest.
As each person discovers the Pure Light within, the rest of the stories start falling away. It indeed is a beautiful dance, even (or maybe most especially) the struggles. The struggling is what opens the doors to growth and expansion if we choose to take it that way.
Many people are accepting that path …that is indeed the path of an awakening consciousness for the planet. More and more people are moving in that direct….some getting lost along the way (all part of the humanness) because more or deeper understanding is stripping the false ego away.
Any time we are not purely in the present moment we are in our ego (creating our stories, living in fear, justifying our point of view, fighting to be seen, heard or relevant). We are so very human and even when you KNOW all of this the false ego can slip in!!
All writings and teaching regarding the spiritual journey are filtered through someone else’s ego…..so we have to be aware not to grab hold of their STORY in our own search. I genuinely believe that, in itself, keeps us from reaching Pure Consciousness for ourselves.
We get fascinated with someone else’s journey/experience and strive for that experience for ourselves….but we are all unique, and my experience will never be like anyone else’s and so on.
But, people sharing their experiences, as purely as possible, allow others to understand that it is indeed possible (opening up to a space that has previously been inaccessible).
Once someone experiences healing, an awakening, deeper understanding it opens up the room for others to experience their own unique version of this expanded place.
We do go through levels or layers, and we can move around, slip back or be much stronger in one area over another….we tend to stay where we are the strongest when actually it is working with our weaknesses that produce real results.
The problem with this is that none of us like to see (or we can’t see) our own faults.
Our own weaknesses or faults are what we should be searching for.
In finding and working on our own weaknesses, we automatically strip the false ego away….leading to Pure Consciousness.
Look for your triggers and be willing to poke at the tender spots, will help you find those answer for yourself.
Then own it all!! Be OK with it all! Allow yourself to be human!
No one else can do this for you!!
And please remember TO HAVE FUN!!!!!